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Table 4 Expression levels of copia LTR-CAT in stably transformed strains of Drosophila melanogaster hemizygous for the construct

From: LTR retrotransposons and the evolution of dosage compensation in Drosophila





wild type


wild type



0.85 (0.08)

0.73 (0.10)

0.62 (0.05)

0.64 (0.12)

HDAC 1 326

1.60 (0.27)

0.97 (0.16)*

1.31 (0.31)

0.93 (0.17)

HDAC 1 328


0.88 (0.15)*


0.96 (0.20)

E(z) 61 (29 C)

0.54 (0.09)

0.51 (0.09)

0.38 (0.09)

0.43 (0.09)

" (25 C)


0.42 (0.08)


0.38 (0.10)

" (18 C)


0.41 (0.07)


0.42 (0.12)

E(z) 28 (29 C)


0.34 (0.07)*


0.34 (0.07)

" (25 C)


0.40 (0.12)


0.33 (0.10)

" (18 C)


0.28 (0.06)*


0.29 (0.08)

Psc 25


0.17 (0.03)*


0.23 (0.03)*

Sxl fl

0.39 (0.26)

0.55 (0.12)

0.83 (0.12)

0.79 (0.14)

mof 1



0.79 (0.07)

3.21 (0.35)**

  1. copia LTR-CAT in a transformed strain (9-3) made wild type or heterozygous for dominant mutant alleles of genes known to affect chromatin structure [LOW-lightening of white; HDAC 1326, HDAC 1328-Histone Deacetylase; E(z)61, E(z)28-Enhancer of zeste; Psc25-Posterior sex combs; Sxlfl-Sex lethal or hemizygous for the X-linked recessive mof1(males absent on first) allele. A slight but significant decrease in activity was observed in strains heterozygous for the dominant mutant HDAC 1326, HDAC 1328, E(z)28and Psc25alleles. A highly significant increase in activity was observed in the strain hemizygous for the recessive mutant mof1allele