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Fig. 4 | BMC Molecular Biology

Fig. 4

From: Messenger RNA profile analysis deciphers new Esrrb responsive genes in prostate cancer cells

Fig. 4

mRNA alteration by DY131 requires Esrrb expression. a DY131 treatment alone did not alter the expression of any gene. In contrast, when Esrrb was expressed, b DY131 altered 1161 mRNAs. c Venn Diagram of pairwise comparisons of altered mRNAs showed 15 (p = 0.0014) Esrrb altered mRNAs can be further regulated by DY131 treatment (overlap between Esrrb vs. control and Esrrb + DY131 vs. Esrrb). d Heat map of mRNA concentration of the 15 genes that response to both Esrrb expression as well as DY131 treatment. Log2-transformed normalized read counts of these 15 genes were color coded. DY131 is an agonist for 4 mRNAs that are responsive to Esrrb, while it is an antagonist of Esrrb in regulating the other 11 mRNAs

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