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Figure 2 | BMC Molecular Biology

Figure 2

From: Regulation of heme oxygenase-1 mRNA deadenylation and turnover in NIH3T3 cells by nitrosative or alkylation stress

Figure 2

HO-1 mRNA induction and stabilization in response to CdCl 2 , NaAsO 2 or H 2 O 2 . A. Cells were treated with 2 mM DETA/NO, 25 μM CdCl2, 10 μM NaAsO2, 250 μM H2O2 or 2 mM DETA/NO for 6 h, followed by the addition of AD to monitor HO-1 decay over time. HO-1 mRNA was detected by northern blotting and normalized to GAPDH loading controls.B. For each treatment in panel A, the fitted decay lines were calculated using data from three independent experiments and plotted. Data points show the mean and standard errors. * p < 0.05 as compared to HO-1 mRNA expression in control samples at the corresponding times. C. The same doses as for panel A were used to determine the effect of these treatments on NIH3T3 cell number, expressed as the percentage of trypan blue-negative cells compared to 100% at time 0 h for untreated controls. Quantification shows the mean and standard error of three independent experiments. * p < 0.05 as compared to untreated controls at the corresponding times.

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