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Figure 1 | BMC Molecular Biology

Figure 1

From: Directional telomeric silencing and lack of canonical B1 elements in two silencer Autonomously Replicating Sequences in S. cerevisiae

Figure 1

Orientation-dependent silencing by ARSs . ARS305, ARS605, ARS317 and ARS319 were cloned in URA3-ACS-B1-tel (upper part) and URA3-B1-ACS-tel (lower part) orientation and inserted in the VIIL telomere. Levels of URA3 silencing were assessed as % FOAR cells and plotted. Data is from Table2. Statistical significance (p values) for the difference between the control construct (no ARS, middle of the graph) and the ARSs in URA3-B1-ACS-tel orientation are shown next to each bar. The p values for the constructs in URA3-ACS-B1-tel orientation are significantly lower than 0.05 and are not shown.

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