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Figure 3 | BMC Molecular Biology

Figure 3

From: Increased complexity of Tmem16a/Anoctamin 1 transcript alternative splicing

Figure 3

Identification of Tmem16a novel exon 10 and exon 14 skipping events. Ai. Cartoon indicating Tmem16a variants as a result of combinations of exon 10 exclusion, (-6b, -10, +13, +15) and (-6b, -10, +13, -15). Dashed lines denote the exclusion of an alternative exon. Aii. RT-PCR with a specific primer set to verify the exclusion of exon 10 in mouse heart Bi. Cartoon indicating the Tmem16a variants as a result of exon 14 exclusion, (+6b,+13, -14, -15). Bii. RT-PCR with a specific primer set to verify the exclusion of exon 14 in mouse heart.

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