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Figure 4 | BMC Molecular Biology

Figure 4

From: High quality RNA from multiple brain regions simultaneously acquired by laser capture microdissection

Figure 4

RNA quality after different processing conditions was analysed on Agilent RNA 6000 Pico Chips. For each approach, the RNA trace with the highest RIN out of four samples is shown here. The y-axis of the electropherograms represents fluorescence units (FU) and the x-axis represents the nucleotide length of the RNA (nt). The peaks of the 18S and 28S rRNA fragments are clearly visible. a&b After staining and dehydration, cryosections were either processed immediately by LCM (a), or they were stored at -80°C for several days before LCM (b). Storage of sections only had a minor effect on RNA integrity but greatly improved the flexibility of the workflow. c&d Microdissected cell groups were either harvested in lysis buffer (c) or RNA stabilization solution (d). Stabilization solution slightly improved the RNA integrity and in addition allowed visualization of the dissected strips. e-h. The final optimized protocol yields RNA of excellent quality with RINs > 8 from all four microdissected cell groups: anterior subplate (SP)(e), posterior SP (f), anterior cortical plate (CP)(g), posterior CP (h). i. Summary of the different experimental conditions, the average number of strips processed per area, and the average and standard deviation (SD) of the RINs among the four groups after LCM.

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