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Figure 6 | BMC Molecular Biology

Figure 6

From: Genetic correction of splice site mutation in purified and enriched myoblasts isolated from mdx5cv mice

Figure 6

Dystrophin repair in purified cultures of myoblasts. Purification of the primary cultures of myoblasts. (i) enriched culture of myoblasts. The cultures were derived from limbs of Mdx5cv mice, and population of the myoblasts was enriched using pre-plating technique (see "Materials and Methods); (ii) myotubes in the enriched culture. The enriched cultures were induced to differentiation by culturing in differentiation medium. The arrows show representative fibroblasts; (iii) purified culture of myoblasts. The enriched cultures were subjected to pre-plating repeatedly until fibroblast-like cells were not observed in cultures. The purified cultures were cultivated in F10-based medium; (iv) myotube in the purified culture. The cultures were induced to differentiation by culturing in differentiation medium; (v) and (vi) desmin staining of the purified culture. Cell nuclei were counter stained with DAPI (v; blue). All of the observed cells were positive for desmin staining (vi; red).

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